Alright. I know I'm going to get burned at the stake for this one, but I'm going to put it out there anyway....
Lately I've been hearing a lot of the infamous Mac vs. PC debate. This debate has been going on practically since the beginning of time (or the invention of the computer, which, all things considered, IS the beginning of time for some people,) but, since I work in a computer lab that uses both systems, I've been hearing a lot more about it lately.
Here's the thing:
You can't debate Mac vs. PC. There's no real way to compare them. I'd say it was like comparing apples and oranges, but in this case I suppose it's more like comparing apples and windows (haaah, puns...) They're both computers, they're both functional. The difference between them is that they are programmed for different types of brains. If you spend a decent amount of time in the real world away from your computer (which may be asking a lot, considering I barely qualify and I'm not even one of the bigger computer addicts in the world,) you'll notice that some people's brains run on Mac, and some run on Windows. There are likely those whose brains run on Linux as well, and some who run on Playstation, and perhaps some who run on a hamster wheel, but that's irrelevant. People who run on Mac will always have trouble using a PC, and PCs will always struggle to use Macs, and when humans get frustrated with something that doesn't match their pattern of thinking, they like to blame it on the machine rather than their personal incompatibility with it. Nobody likes to admit that they're not very good at doing something, so instead they form a wall of defensive hatred against that thing and insist to everyone who will listen that the thing is stupid and terrible. Calm down, bros, it's okay if you're not good at everything, I promise.
Me? I'm a Mac, but that doesn't mean I hate PC. I fully realize that PC is better for a lot of things -- gaming, for instance, which is why I have a Windows partition on my Macbook -- but for general purposes Mac just works better for me. I'm not very good with a PC, but that doesn't mean we can't leave each other alone and still live in harmony.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I'd really like to quit hearing all the whining from both sides of this debate about why either system is the devil's OS, because there shouldn't even be a debate. Just stop getting defensive and let the other side do as they will; it's not like it's hurting you. I don't want another person parachuting in with a long diatribe about how Mac sucks when I'm trying to explain to a lab user how a program works. And don't think I'm picking on PC; while PC users seem to be more childish about it, Mac users love to be smug and insufferable, which is just as bad. Why don't both of you just leave each other alone? Keep your hands on your side, quit poking each other, and get your own work done. We'll all be a lot happier that way.
I love that picture. :) But you have a multiplenthora of good points, thank you. :)
Why does the guy on the right have facial hair? I thought that was shunned...
It's funny, because I'm a PC girl, but that Mac guy is ultra attractive. So my loyalties are, admittedly, split.
It's one of my favorite pictures. Btw. :)
Loving the picture. And I think what you argue has validity. I've been trying to tell people that get passionate about their system that it is combatability
I'd be careful telling them that to their face. Seems like some people are ready to straight up shank anybody who suggests such a thing.
And then there's people like me, who just have to get used to whatever they're using at the time. I hated Macs until I got one and now I love them, but I don't hate PCs. I just have to remember how to use them. Within an hour of switching from one to the other I'm happily clicking and clacking away at whatever it is I'm doing. But I totally agree, I hate this debate.
WV: coemg
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